We are a multigenerational and multicultural growing church. We are involved in our community by sharing the love of God through many outreaches, giving and prayer.

We are real people. We are just like you and we will not claim nor act like we're better. We make mistakes and we will not hide under any pretensions nor will we demand any behavior modification from anyone.

Our lives are our testimonies. Our faith is based on our expectations with God and our lives prove God's existence. It happened to us, and you're next!

Experiencing Him, everyday! We don't consider God as just a "Sunday God" or a "Big Matters God". We rely on Him because He can be relied on. The supernatural and miracles happen every day!
We are a church that believes in active faith. We believe that each one of us has a specific purpose in life that relates to the Kingdom of God. We believe that those who walk in faith will experience miracles in their lives, through physical healing, financial breakthrough, restoration of relationships, and more!
Read our Faith Foundations booklet for more on what we believe and why we are the way we are!
After years of struggle and heartache, Lead Pastors Danrey and Christie Amoyo could never understand why it seemed that the harder they worked, the further away God became. They knew who Jesus was, and they loved Him with all of their hearts, but they weren’t seeing any fruit. Struggles with pregnancy, finances, and relationships began to control their lives and they started to question faith.
That is when they cried out to God and received revelation of REAL FAITH. They began to apply God’s Word in their lives in a way they had never done before. They studied the Kingdom Principles and learned that God WANTS us to live BLESSED, ABUNDANT LIVES. Soon God began to bless every aspect of their lives from finances, to health, to relationships and now their heart is to share the same message to all!
In 2011, they began Today’s Church and today they continue to teach people how to be set free from religion and to experience God for REAL!
Danrey and Christie are also entrepreneurs who own and operate InterAthletic Sports Leagues. The sports league is open to all and runs all year round. Sports currently include basketball and volleyball, but the business continues to expand and will include other sports soon!
In 2018, Pastor Christie Amoyo began My Faith Ministries, an outreach blog which aims to encourage and empower others with declarations of Faith and making the Word personal! Jump to the MyFaithMinistries page for more info!
After years of struggle and heartache, Lead Pastors Danrey and Christie Amoyo could never understand why it seemed that the harder they worked, the further away God became. They knew who Jesus was, and they loved Him with all of their hearts, but they weren’t seeing any fruit. Struggles with pregnancy, finances, and relationships began to control their lives and they started to question faith.
That is when they cried out to God and received revelation of REAL FAITH. They began to apply God’s Word in their lives in a way they had never done before. They studied the Kingdom Principles and learned that God WANTS us to live BLESSED, ABUNDANT LIVES. Soon God began to bless every aspect of their lives from finances, to health, to relationships and now their heart is to share the same message to all!
In 2011, they began Today’s Church and today they continue to teach people how to be set free from religion and to experience God for REAL!
Danrey and Christie are also entrepreneurs who own and operate InterAthletic Sports Leagues. The sports league is open to all and runs all year round. Sports currently include basketball and volleyball, but the business continues to expand and will include other sports soon!
In 2018, Pastor Christie Amoyo began My Faith Ministries, an outreach blog which aims to encourage and empower others with declarations of Faith and making the Word personal! Jump to the MyFaithMinistries page for more info!
Curious as to what a worship service is like at TC? Well we would LOVE for you to come by and check us out! Click down below for information on what to expect at a TC service and how to find us!